Programs and Resources
Red Sea Project offers an abundance of programs and resources for women, children, and families. Below are list of our programs and resources and links to learn more.

Violence and Abuse
Dating, Domestic and Family Violence
#TELLtheSECRET is an domestic, dating and family violence education, awareness and prevention program designed to help victims and survivors to escape the confines of secret keeping linked to violence. Through education, training and resources, it is our hope victims and survivors are lead to healing, restoration and freedom from abuse. #TELLtheSECRET provides participants with online campaigns, educational workshops and individual resources and referrals.
Youth Expo & Mentorships
Youth Expo
Youth Expo provides mentor-ship to youth ages 5 years to 17 years old. It provides youth with a safe environment to express ideas and concepts while learning critical skills associated with character building, critical thinking, self worth and concept and servant leadership character qualities.

Sister Talk
Sister Talk Series
Sister Talk is an extension of our Sisterhood ROCKS annual women's conference. Sister Talk segments provide underserved female small business owners with expose to increase their social media reach and target audience every 4th Thursday of the month.
Annual Conference
Sisterhood ROCKS
SisterhoodROCKS is founded on the mantra "We are better together". Women are builders, atmosphere shifters and birthers who are capable of working together in sisterhood. SisterhoodROCKS teaches women how to identify and execute their God given purpose while learning to operate in authentic sisterhood. SisterhoodROCKS patronizes women owned businesses for their conference needs and empowers women through education and training to begin, continue and enhance their entrepreneurship journey. #SisterhoodROCKS We ARE better together!

Suicide Awareness
iLiVE suicide education, awareness and prevention program dispels the myths concerning suicide and it's warning signs. EAP (Education, Awareness and Prevention) workshops are offered to faith-based entities, schools, community organizations, individuals and families. Contact us to schedule a workshop in your area.
Unity and Communities
Bonding of the Sexes
Family Unification programs provide community education and training promoting healthy and progressive community engagement. Family unification involves healthy communication and community forums bringing forth hope, the spirit of unity, resolution and potential restoration.